“Understanding Potentization and Enlivened Substance”
Anthroposophic Medical Grand Rounds
Research Updates for Core Therapeutic Topics: English-language, online, worldwide
Wednesday, 16 October 2024:
“Understanding Potentization and Enlivened Substance”
« Comprendre la potentialisation et la substance vivifiée »
With special presentations by Stefan Baumgartner, Harald Hamre and Ursula Flatters
1600–1800 Central European time
2100–2300 ICT (Bangkok)
1930–2130 IST (Delhi)
1700–1900 MSK (Saint Petersburg)
1300–1500 GMT (London)
1100–1300 BRT (Sao Paulo)
1000–1200 EDT (New York)
0700–0900 PDT (San Francisco)
There is no cost to join this first session and everyone is welcome, but you must register!
A link to the recording will be sent to everyone who has signed up here
Registration first session
After the first session we will move to a subscription model with multiple price levels. Our hope is to still be able to offer scholarships so that 500-1000+ students, all around the world, can have free access to the teaching sessions. We ask you to help support this new initiative by making a donation (please indicate “Grand Rounds”):
Upcoming sessions:
19 February 2025:
“How AM Contributes to the Field of Integrative Oncology”
With Eran ben Ari, Marion Debus, Friedemann Schad
21 May 2025:
Highlights from AM Research Council Conference
“The Role of Warmth and Thermoregulation for Somatic and Mental Healthcare”
Questions? Ideas for future topics?: email adam.blanning@medsektion-goetheanum.ch
School of Spiritual Science
Medical Section at the Goetheanum
P.O. Box
4143 Dornach, Switzerland
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